File apk per Android
Informazioni in breve
In generale il file apk di Parkering Göteborg ha una valutazione di 9 su 10. Questo punteggio è cumulativo, la maggior parte delle migliori app su Google Play Store ha una valutazione di 8 su 10. Recensioni totali su Google Play Store: 153. Numero totale di recensioni a cinque stelle ricevute: 114. Questa app è stata valutata come negativa da un numero di 9 utenti. Il numero stimato di download supera le 500,000+ downloads unità, in Google Play Store Parkering Göteborg è situato nella categoria Travel & Local, con tag , ed è stato sviluppato da Göteborgs Stads Parkeringsaktiebolag. Puoi visitare il loro sito web o contattarli tramite email a Parkering Göteborg può essere installato su dispositivi Android dalla 7.0(Nougat)+ in avanti. Forniamo solo file apk originali. Se qualcuno dei materiali presenti su questo sito viola i tuoi diritti, sei pregato di segnalarcelo. Puoi anche scaricare il file apk di Google ed eseguirlo utilizzando emulatori Android come Nox App Player, Bluestacks e KOPlayer. Puoi anche scaricare il file apk di Parkering Göteborg ed eseguirlo su emulatori Android come Bluestacks o KOPlayer. Versioni del file apk di Parkering Göteborg disponibili sul nostro sito: 3.7.0, 3.6.0, 3.5.0, 3.4.7, 3.4.0 e altri. L'ultima versione di Parkering Göteborg è la 3.7.0, caricata il 2024/14/05.
Screenshot di Parkering Göteborg
Descrizione di Parkering Göteborg

With Parkering Göteborg you can:
- Find parking
- Start, end and extend your parking
- Add one or more debit cards
The app can be used on the parking spaces marked with the Göteborg Stads parkeringsbolag.

Cronologia delle versioni Parkering Göteborg
Nuovo in Parkering 3.7.0
As usual, we fix and adjust further with improvements. Even if it's not always things that are noticeable in terms of appearance, you can be sure that we are constantly working on improvements under the hood.

In this version we have added the ability to see the current kWh on active charging tickets and new links to Mina sidor (My pages)
Nuovo in Parkering 3.6.0
As usual, we fix and adjust further with improvements. Even if it's not always things that are noticeable in terms of appearance, you can be sure that we are constantly working on improvements under the hood.
Nuovo in Parkering 3.5.0
As usual, we fix and adjust further with improvements. Even if it's not always things that are noticeable in terms of appearance, you can be sure that we are constantly working on improvements under the hood. In this release you find a new filter function i our map as well as a new link to Styr&Ställ bike rental app.
Nuovo in Parkering 3.4.7
As usual, we fix and adjust further with improvements. Even if it's not always things that are noticeable in terms of appearance, you can be sure that we are constantly working on improvements under the hood.

In this version we have added the ability to start and stop parkings trough Android Auto.
Try it and give us feedback.
Nuovo in Parkering 3.4.0
As usual, we fix and adjust further with improvements. Even if it's not always things that are noticeable in terms of appearance, you can be sure that we are constantly working on improvements under the hood.

In this version we have made some further improvements to the first time user experience, and main flow for start parking.
Nuovo in Parkering 3.3.0
As usual, we fix and adjust further with improvements. Even if it's not always things that are noticeable in terms of appearance, you can be sure that we are constantly working on improvements under the hood.

In this version we have made some further improvements to the first time user experience, and main flow for start parking.
Nuovo in Parkering 3.1.0
As usual, we fix and adjust further with improvements. Even if its not always things that are noticeable in terms of appearance, you can be sure that we are constantly working on improvements under the hood, or on new things that will come in the future.

Do you have ideas for improvements? Feel free to contact us! We love feedback and want to hear your views.
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Più informazioni
Altre Parkering versioni APK per Android
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